Eggplant Maqluba: Palestinian Dish طريقة مقلوبة الباذنجان بالصور
المقلوبة هي وصفة عربية شهيرة وبالأخص فلسطينية، غالباً ما يتم نطقها مألوبة أو مجلوبةـ أُطلِق عليها هذا الاسم لأنه يتم قلبها عند التقديم، المكونات الأساسية لهذه الوصفة هي الأرز واللحم المطبوخ والباذنجان المقلي، ويمكن استخدام أي نوع من اللحم كالدجاج أو لحم الخروف أو اللحم البقري، كما يمكن استخدام أي نوع من الخضروات المقلي مع أو بدون الباذنجان، كالبطاطس أو القرنبيط أو الجزر. هذه الوصفة قيمتها الغذائية عالية، كما أن طعمها لذيذ جداً. نقوم أولاً بطهي اللحم وقلي الخضروات ثم نبدأ بعمل الوصفة.
تكفي: 3 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: ساعتين (أو حسب الوقت الذي يأخذه اللحم للنضج)
وقت الــطهــــي: 25 دقيقة
Maqluba is a famous Arabic dish, specially a Palestinian dish, it's often pronounced as Maalouba or Magouba, it's an Arabic name which means (upside-down) because it's served upside-down, the main ingredients in this dish are rice, cooked meat and fried eggplant, and it could be made with any kind of meat like chicken, lamb, or beef, and also any kind of fried vegetable with or without eggplant, like potatoes, cauliflower, or carrots. This dish is really valuable and really delicious. We first cook the meat, and fry the vegetables, then start cooking the dish.
Serves: 3
Prep. time: 2 hours (or as long as the meat takes in cooking.)
Cooking time: 25 min.
500 جم لحم بقري مقطع مكعبات
1 بصلة مقطعة قطع صغيرة
2 أو 3 حبة باذنجان
1 بصلة مقطعة شرائح (ليست رفيعة)
2 حبة طماطم مقطعة شرائح
2 كوب أرز مصري أو أرز قصير الحبة، مغسول ومصفَّى
2 كوب ماء
ملح وفلفل حسب الرغبة
4 ملاعق طعام زيت زيتون
1 بصلة مقطعة قطع صغيرة
2 أو 3 حبة باذنجان
1 بصلة مقطعة شرائح (ليست رفيعة)
2 حبة طماطم مقطعة شرائح
2 كوب أرز مصري أو أرز قصير الحبة، مغسول ومصفَّى
2 كوب ماء
ملح وفلفل حسب الرغبة
4 ملاعق طعام زيت زيتون
1- نسخن الفرن على درجة حرارة 200 مئوية، نبدأ في طهي اللحم، نضعها في إناء على نار متوسطة مع البصل المقطع قطع صغيرة ونقلب لمدة 5 دقائق، ثم نغطه بالماء ونتركه على النار حوالي ساعة أو إلى أن ينضج، ونتابعها من وقت لآخر إذا احتاجت إلى الماء، وبعد أن تنضج نضيف الملح حسب الرغبة.
2- نجهز الباذنجان، أنا لم أقم بقليه حتى لا يشرب الكثير من الزيت، فأنا أفضل وضعه في الفرن، حيث وضعته في صينية مدهونة زيت زيتون، وقمت برشه بالملح وزيت الزيتون.
3- ندخل الباذنجان في فرن مسخن على درجة حرارة 200 مئوية لمدة من 20 إلى 30 دقيقة.
4- نبدأ في تجهيز المقلوبة، نحضر إناء ونضع فيه شرائح البصل.
5- نضع شرائح الطماطم فوق البصل.
6- نرص الباذنجان بهذا الشكل فوق الطماطم.
7- نضع نصف كمية الأرز فوق الباذنجان.
8- نضيف نصف مقدار اللحم فوق الأرز.
9- نضيف طبقة أخرى من باقي مقادر الأرز.
10- نضع طبقة أخيرة من اللحم.
11- نجهز كوبين الماء بإضافة الملح إليهما ونقلب ثم نضيف الماء إلى الإناء ونرش بعض الفلفل الأسود.
12- نترك الإناء على نار عالية إلى أن يغلي ثم نضعه على نار هادئة جدا لمدة 25 دقيقة لينضج، ثم نقلب الإناء للتقديم، وبالهناء والشفاء :)
500 gm beef cubes
1 onion, chopped
2 or 3 eggplants
1 onion, sliced (not so thin)
2 tomatos, sliced
2 cups Egyptian rice or short grain rice, washed and drained
2 cups water
salt & pepper to taste
4 tbsp olive oil
1- Heat the oven 200C, Prepare the meat, put it with the chopped onion, saute for 5 minutes on medium heat then cover it with water and leave for an hour or tell cooked, check it from time to time if it needs more water, and when cooked add salt to taste.
2- Prepare eggplant, I don't like to fry it, I put in the oven, so place it on baking tray greased with olive oil, and sprinkle it with the olive oil.
3- Place eggplants into 200C oven for 20 to 30 minutes.
4- Prepare Maqluba, place onion slices in a pan.
5- Place the tomato slices on the onion.
6- Place the eggplant layer.
7- Place half of the rice on the eggplants.
8- Place half the meat on the rice.
9- Place the rest of the rice.
10- Place the rest of the meat.
11- mix the water with salt to taste, and add it to the Maqluba, and sprinkle some pepper.
12- Let the Maqluba covered on high heat till boil, then lower the heat (really low like cooking rice), leave it for about 25 minutes, then serve it upside-down, and... Bon Apetit :)
humm sounds great and very nicely set. well done
ReplyDeleteVery nice. I always enjoy cooking and eating layered dishes. This one is pretty. Seems like it could serve more than 3!
ReplyDeleteSadaf: Thanks Sadaf , you have to try it you will really like it :)
ReplyDeleteSara: It could serve four but you will not be full :)
It actually looks a bit like a moussaka in a different format, but without the white sauce layer. Is that about right?
ReplyDeleteMay be the same main ingredients (eggplant and meat), but here we don't use ground meat and Maqluba contains rice too, and like you said no white sauce layer, also it's not baked. I think they are different and they don't have the same taste at all.
ReplyDeleteLooks delicious
ReplyDeleteIt is, thanks :)
ReplyDeletevery nice. looks like an arabic version of layered biryani
ReplyDeletelooks so good!
ReplyDeleteShree: Thanks :)
ReplyDeletetheepicuriosity: Thanks :)
This looks awesome! I'm thinking what other meals could be served really nicely this way. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks amazing. I love trying new dishes. This meal looks hearty and healthy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lisa, you should try it :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful dish, this is the first time I have seen this :)
ReplyDeleteThanks :) , try it and tell about the taste :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks great, would like to bookmark it. Thanks!
ReplyDeletePlease visit my new site and join a little giveaway at Durian Tarts.
Thanks, hope you like the taste :)
ReplyDeleteyou mean anncoo journal?
I did it looks really great :)
That looks absolutely DELISH! I need to go pick up an eggplant!!
ReplyDeleteThanks. Go a head :)
ReplyDeleteHi. am nesrine.on foodbuzz,
ReplyDeletethis looks amazing,
but I really wanna know you better, saw your page written in italian u live in italy?
am egyptian living in italy.
nice to meet you
Hi Nesrine, thanks nice to meet you too :)
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not sure what page you mean!
Wow, really nice dish. Sounds and looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I didn't use to eat eggplant but with this dish I LOVED it, hope you do too. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is just stunning! I have never seen or heard of this dish, but I want to give it a try now. I love the layout of your blog too!
ReplyDeleteYes you have to give it a try you will really like it, Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI love the presentation. So pretty! I've not cooked with eggplant often. This looks like a good recipe to start with.
ReplyDeleteSure, you have to try it, and when you do, tell me how it was :)
ReplyDeleteWow, I've never seen a dish like that. And I love eggplant.
ReplyDeleteTry it and tell me what you think, I hope you like it :)
ReplyDeletethat is an interesting dish and great step by step pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks Fathima :) try it and I'm sure you will like it.
ReplyDeleteYum that looks fantastic. I love eggplant, always trying to find new ways to use them. Thanaks for visiting my blog :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Shaz, hope you like it when you try it.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome :)
We all love maqluba!!!!!!!! Yours looks so perfecty shaped, mine usually crumbles down after I invert it on a plate :( Seeing familiar food on the net always make me feel nostalgic, thank you for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe you just turn it upside down once it's cooked, you have to let it rest for minutes before doing so to not crumble or fall apart. You are welcome I'm happy you like it :)
ReplyDeleteLovely presentation. This reminds me of a similar dish done with cooked pasta. It is cut into slices and served like a torte. Delicious ingredients to accompany the rice.
ReplyDeleteThanks Anna :)
ReplyDeleteWow... it is look a like my pilaf wrap with eggplant ^,^ Slightly different.. I think Turkish food and Palestinian food not really far ya.. :p
ReplyDeleteThx for dropping by my page.. I like ur blog too ^,^
Yea, agree with you, you are welcome dear, glad you like it :)
ReplyDeletelooking so yummy
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
ReplyDeleteuž mám na ohni,snad se podaří.Vypadá tak nádherně:-)
ReplyDeleteGreat! Hope you find it delicious!