Chicken Mandy Rice مندي الدجاج بطريقتي - سهل وسريع

Chicken Mandy Rice مندي الدجاج بطريقتي - سهل وسريع

Scroll down for English post
أرز المندي هو طبق شهير باليمن وخاصة بمدينة حضرموت ومعنى كلمة مندي أن اللحم يُطهى بالدهن وينزل هذا الدهن على الأرز الذي يكون أسفله ويكون هذا في فرن خاص بالمندي يتم إشعاله بالفحم ويكون الأرز بإناء في الأسفل وفوقه اللحم كما بالصورة.
Mandi oven فرن المندي

الطبق مكون من الأرز البسمتي واللحم أياً كان نوعه سواء دجاج أو لحم ضأن.. إلخ، اليوم سأقدم لكم أرز المندي بالدجاج اللذيذ وصدقوني إذا كان هناك أي طبق من وصفاتي يجب أن تجربوه فهو هذا الطبق، حقاً غاية في اللذة والطيبة أحببته أنا وزوجي كثيراً من أول مرة قمت بإعداده ولم نستطيع التوقف عن الأكل إلى أن امتلأنا منه :) .
لكي يتم عمل هذا الطبق في المنزل (بدون الفرن الخاص) برائحة الفحم الخاصة به يقوم البعض بوضع الأرز في إناء وفوقه طبقة من ورق الفويل المثقوب وفوقها اللحم أو الدجاج مع الفحم ثم يغطيه بطبقة أخرى من ورق الفويل، في الحقيقة لا أفضل استخدام الفويل كثيراً خاصة إذا احتوى الطبق على الطماطم فهو غير صحي لأنها تتفاعل مع الألومنيوم، لذا سأقدم لكم الطبق اليوم بطريقة لذيذة دون استخدام ورق الفويل، أتمنى منكم أن تجربوه وثقوا أنه سيعجبكم إن شاء الله :)

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 10 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 55 إلى 75 دقيقة
Mandy rice is a famous dish in Yemen specially Hadramawt or Hadhramaut city, "Mandy" means cooked with the sauce and fat that comes down from meat to the rice underneath it in the special Mandy oven in the photo above.
This dish contains basmati rice and any kind of meat like chicken or lamb ...etc, I'm going to give you today the recipe for delicious chicken Mandy rice and believe me if there is any dish in my recipes that you have to try it should be this one, it's really yummy and so good, my husband and I loved it once I made it for the first time and couldn't stop eating it till we became so full :D.
To make this dish with its special coal smell at home (without the special oven) some people cook the rice in a pan covered with foil and make small hales in it and top it with the meat and burning coal and cover them all again with foil, actually I don't like using foil specially if I'm adding tomatoes in the recipe as it makes some unhealthy reaction to the food, so I'm going to make this dish with the same taste and smell without using foil, I hope you try it I'm sure you're going to like it :) .

Recipe Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 55 to 75 minutes
Scroll down for English recipe
نصف دجاجة نظيفة جافة
1 1/2 كوب أرز بسمتي، مغسول ومصفى
5 كوب ماء
5 ملعقة طعام زيت زيتون
2 قرن فلفل أخضر حار
1 ثمرة بصل حمراء كبيرة مقطعة 
2 ثمرة طماطم مقطعة
2 ثمرة جزر مبشورة
2 ورق غار
3 حب هيل (حبهان)
5 قرنفل
1/2 ملعقة طعام كركم
1/4 ملعقة طعام زنجبيل
1/4 ملعقة شاي قرفة مطحونة
رشة كمون
رشة كزبرة مطحونة
ملح وفلفل حسب الرغبة
2 ملعقة طعام عصير ليمون
قطعة فحم وبعض الزيت

1- نحضر الدجاج، نضيف البصل إلى صينية على نار متوسطة مع 3 ملعقة طعام زيت زيتون ونقلب دقيقة ثم نضيف الجزر المبشور ونقلب إلى أن يصبح البصل شفاف.

2- نضيف الطماطم وقرن فلفل حار والزنجبيل والقرفة و3 حبات قرنفل والكمون والكزبرة والكركم و2 حبة هيل (حبهان) وورق الغار (اللوري) ونقلب.

3- ندهن الدجاجة بعصير الليمون ونتبلها بنفس التوابل المضافة للبصل والجزر ثم نضعها بالصينية ونضيف 2  كوب ماء ونغطيها على حرارة عالية لتغلي ثم نهدئ الحرارة إلى متوسطة لمدة 45 إلى 60 دقيقة لتنضج.

4- نقوم بتجهيز الأرز بوضع إناء به 3 كوب ماء وملح حسب المذاق المرغوب وفلفل أسود و2 حبة قرنفل (مسمار) وحبة هيل (حبهان) وقرن فلفل وكركم و2 ملعقة طعام زيت الزيتون وندعه يغلي على حرارة عالية ثم نضيف الأرز ونقلب وعندما يغلي نغطيه ونهدئ الحرارة لهادئة لينضج مدة 15 إلى 20 دقيقة، (يمكن في هذه الخطوة إضافة قطعة مشتعلة من الفحم بداخل إناء صغير يتحمل للحرارة داخل إناء الأرز وتغطيته لإعطاء طعم أقوى).

5- نجهز قطعة مشتعلة من الفحم (نشعلها على عين البوتاجاز) وطبق صغير به نغلفه بورق الفويل ونضع فيه بعض الزيت ثم نضعه بالفرن.

6- بعد أن يجهز الدجاج والأرز نخرج الدجاجة من الصينية بحرص ثم نضيف الأرز للصينية ونقلبه مع صوص الدجاج ثم نضيف الدجاج فوق الأرز ثم نشعل شواية الفرن ونضعه في الفرن ليأخذ الدجاج لون جيد على حرارة متوسطة لهادئة، ثم نضع قطعة الفحم بالطبق الموجود داخل الفرن وبه زيت ونغلق الفرن فوراً، ونترك الصينية لمدة عشر دقائق تقريباً أو إلى أن يأخذ الدجاج لون ذهبي جميل ويأخذ المندي رائحة الفحم.

Chicken Mandy Rice مندي الدجاج بطريقتي - سهل وسريع

7- ينقل الأرز في طبق التقديم وفوقه الدجاج والفلفل الحار ويقدم ساخن بالهناء والشفاء :)

Chicken Mandy Rice مندي الدجاج بطريقتي - سهل وسريع

Half a chicken
1 1/2 cup basmati rice, rinsed and strained
5 cups water
5 tbsp olive oil
2 hot green pepper
1 large onion, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 carrots, shredded
2 bay leaves
3 cardamom
5 cloves
1/2 tbsp turmeric
1/4 tbsp ginger
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Pinch of cumin
Pinch of coriander
salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 medium coal and some oil

1- Prepare the chicken, place the onion and 3 tbsp olive oil in a baking tray and stir for a minute then add the shredded carrots and stir till the onion is translucent.
2- Add the chopped tomatoes, cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, 3 cloves, 2 cardamom  and bay leaves, and stir.
3- Rub the chicken with lemon juice and same spice added before to the onion and place it in the tray with onion and add add 2 cups of water and cover on high heat to boil then lower the heat to medium for 45 to 60 minutes to cook.
4- Prepare the rice by placing 3 cups of water in a pan on high heat, add salt to taste, black pepper, 2 cloves, 1 cardamom, turmeric, and 2 tbsp of olive oil, let boil then add the rice and once boiled again cover and lower the heat to low and let cook for about 15 to 20 min., (in this step you can add a burning coal in a mini heat resistant bowl or ramekin to the pan and cover to give a stronger smell and taste).
5- Light the coal on the stove and prepare a small heat resistant bowl covered with foil and some sunflower oil in it or any king of oil and place this bowl in the oven.
6- Once the chicken and rice are ready remove the chicken from the tray and add the rice to the same tray and mix with the sauce in it and top again with the chicken then light the broiler to medium low and place the tray into the oven, place the burning coal in the small bowl and close the oven right away and let the chicken gain the smell of coal and a good color and crisp for about 10 minutes.
7- Transfer the rice to the serving plate topped with the chicken and hot green pepper, and... Bon Appétit :)

Chicken Mandy Rice مندي الدجاج بطريقتي - سهل وسريع


  1. Oh wow that's a cool idea to give the rice flavors, never seen anybody do that. Love to learn about middle eastern recipes!

  2. It's really yummy believe me it's a must try recipe ;) glad you like it and thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Hi Julia, have just hopped over from G+. I absolutely love this dish. My Saudi aunt taught me how to make it in my teens and until today, I try and make this about once a month! Your picture is beautiful!

  4. Hi Julia! This is a delightful dish! Welcome to the Flavors of the World community! I would like to create strong bonds among the members, so when you have the time and disposition please pay a visit to the others and let them know that you are at the same community. Let's support one another! Have a great evening!

  5. Lin: I'm so glad you like it, isn't it one of the best dishes ever?! I'm an addict :)
    Katerina: Sure! Thank you for stopping by :)

  6. Will deffinately try this, since my better half looooove mandy chiken soo much.. Actually, in Malay language, 'Mandi' means bath or bathe, even shower.. So the rice is being 'mandi' by the chicken above.!!!

  7. Glad you like it Maria and thank you for the information :) waiting for your feedback!

    1. Hey is it possible to make mandy without oven if yes than how?

    2. Abdul Hadi, it is! You can make it just like the recipe but instead of putting in the oven,after adding the rice to the chicken, place the small bowl with the coal in the middle of the tray and cover with aluminium foil, then let cook on low heat for 10 minutes, if you like the chicken to be crispy just place 2 table spoons of oil or purified butter in a pan over medium heat then fry the chicken, and bon appétit!

    3. Dr. Rasheed Hussain, I'm so glad you like it! Belsaha walaafeya :)

  8. I already try this recipe,it is really delicious my whole family love it n ask me to keep the recipe so I can make this again in the future :-)

  9. I'm so happy you did try it and you all like it thank you for your feedback you made my day :)

  10. Thank u for the recipe! Will try soon inshaa Allah.

  11. You're welcome Khadija hope it turns out more delicious than mine :)

  12. Salaam, can you please write in detail what is the spice that is rubbed on the chicken?

    1. Salaam! Cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon

  13. Abdul Hadi, it is! You can make it just like the recipe but instead of putting in the oven,after adding the rice to the chicken, place the small bowl with the coal in the middle of the tray and cover with aluminium foil, then let cook on low heat for 10 minutes, if you like the chicken to be crispy just place 2 table spoons of oil or purified butter in a pan over medium heat then fry the chicken, and bon appétit

  14. i am from yemen but my wife is from burma so i am printing this for her now to coook

    1. I am glad I could help, I hope you both like my recipe!

  15. I had mandi in Dubai is this the same way also they had a sauce how do you make that?

    1. Haven't tried it so can't answer that part! Still I assure you this is super delicious! the tomato sauce has a variety of recipes, the simplest is to blend tomatoes with garlic, vinegar, bell pepper or chili green pepper, and salt & spice. (All raw)

  16. Do you cook chicken in oven?
    Do you have a video

    1. Yes my dear here is roast stuffed chicken

      Also lemon and herb caramelized chicken here

    2. And my youtube channel is here

  17. can you provide me recipe for lamb mandy? i try to find it but i failed... thank you...

    1. Follow the same steps here uaing lamb instead and make some cuts to rub with spice to absorbe more flavor if using a whole leg or so or use smaller cuts. The real mandy uses the same oven in the photo above, to make something like it you can get a very large pot like in restaurants and put coal in it then another smaller pot with rice and same spice and water to cook rice, put it on the hot coal inside the larger pot, and place a wire rack on top of that with the lamb and cover all till cooked, it will take longer than chicken to cook. Hope I made it clear!

  18. As salam, ur chicken mandy looks soo delish. I want to try it with sum premix spices given by afren. Do i just add on & if so how much-tsp.
    ? Hope u cn help me here. Tq.. from Farah

    1. Wa alikom alsalam Farah, thank you dear, the spicr mix you have use it instead of the grounded spice used here, and use with it bay leaves, cardamoms, cloves and cinnamon sticks, dried lemon is an option too use it or don't as you wish! :)

  19. Farah here..i hv the premix mandy spices..

  20. Closest to authentic mandi recipe! Keep sharing wonderful recipes :)

    1. Thank you Haifa :)
      You mean cook the rice with the chicken? The rice would be overcooked then! If you mean after removing the chicken, yes sure! I just eanted it to be ready while the chicken is getting cooked so once it's ready, I add the rice and put together in the oven, but you're free to do what you like! :)

  21. I like to eat Mandy Rice at Saba' Restaurant in Malaysia. I've been told that recipe is from Yaman. Is your recipe similar to that? Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Definitely will try it soon.

    1. Thank you Effa for stopping by! :)
      My recipe is very close to the original one, in the original recipe using the Mandi oven, the chicken is cooked from the steam that comes up from the rice, so it's more like steamed chicken, the flavor in the chicken then could be less than my recipe here, because I'm cooking the chicken with the spice and vegetables in a tray full of flavors. To make something like the original one you can use a wire rack over the rice placed in oven pan and place the chicken on top of ithe rack after you rub the chicken with spice, cover with foil and cook in the oven, but it will take more time (about 2 hours or more), and I don't think it will be as delicious as this one here ;) try both and tell me what you like the most! :)

  22. Can we cook rice in the left over chicken stalk adding more water to make it 3 cups?

  23. Hi Julia, this looks delicious thank you for posting and the best thing is that you added pictures as well. very helpful :D
    your recipe is for 2 persons if i want to make it for 4 or 5 persons do i just double the ingredients or would that alter the whole recipe?

    1. Hi there,
      Thank you! I'm glad I helped!
      You can doubles the ingredients except cardamom and bay leaves, they have strong aroma, and the rice used here for is 1 1/2 cup depending on the people eating, only if they are starving and that's the only dish to eat (no desserts no soup) , if not, you can use 1 cup instead, and double with 2! Hope that was clear :)

  24. Salam ..
    If on stove,cuked rice needs to b added in chicken sauce then coal should b put in the pot?plz guide..
    Ginger n corriader powder is to b used on chicken?

    1. Salam,
      Thank you! Just make it like the recipe says on stove in step 4, then complete cooking in the chicken pan placing icken on top, place the coal bowl in the same pan and cover the pan. Ginger and coriander are used in steps 2 & 3.
      Happy appetite!

  25. Asalam..
    JazakAllah for guiding me.I cuked itoin stove n it was wonderful.
    One really cudnt resist it..
    Plz help me in searching more of ur recipes..

    1. Salam Lala,
      I'm so glad you loved it :) for more recipe browse my blog in desktop version here
      And look at the menu in the top, click Recipe Index, and you will find all my recipes categorised, click on you favorite category. You could also check out the blog archive on the right sidebar :) Hope I made it clear!

  26. cant find the english translated recipe


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