Heart-Shaped Cinnamon Cookies قلوب بسكوت القرفة
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وصفة اليوم هي إحدى وصفات هذا الشهر من الوصفات الرومانسية، بسكويت القرفة هي إحدى وصفات كتاب أبلة نظيرة، تعتبر من أبسط طرق عمل البسكوت كما أن طعمها لذيذ وغنية بالفيتامينات، وهو عبارة عن بسكوت من طبقتين يتم ثقب الطبقة العلوية ويوضع بينهما حشو المربى ثم يزين بالسكر البودرة، يذكرني هذا النوع من البسكوت بأيام طفولتي عندما كانت والدتي تقوم بعمله خاصة في الأعياد، وكنا نتسلى بحشو البسكوت بالمربى ورشه بالسكر وبالطبع تذوق البعض (إن لم يكن الكثير)، كما أننا لم نكن نترك له فرصة البقاء لأسبوع كامل فأقصى مدة يمكن أن يتواجد بها هذا البسكويت في المنزل هي يومين. :) أحب طعمه جداً مع مربى الفراولة فالمزج بين طعمها وطعم القرفة رائع، أتمنى أن يعجبكم وستجدون أنه في غاية السهولة فلا يجب أن تكون/ي خبير/ة في الطبخ لتقوم/ي بعمله.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا يجب أن يبقى هذا البسكوت في الفرن مدة أطول من 15 دقيقة فهو سريع الاحتراق ويأخذ وقت قليل للنضج.
2- يمكن استبدال كمية القرفة بأي مكون ذو طعم مفضل مثل الكاكاو أو الجنزبيل أو أي طعم تفضلونه.
3- يجب اتباع الخطوات بدقة حتى يخرج البسكوت بنفس النتيجة الرائعة، خاصة الخطوات التي يتم فيها إدخال الهواء للعجين كنخل الدقيق وفرك الزبدة والدقيق في الهواء.
4- استخدمت أبلة نظيرة السمن البلدي، وقمت باستبداله بالزبدة أفضلها أكثر والنتيجة واحدة.
5- يمكن استبدال السكر البودرة في العجين بثلاث أرباع كوب سكر عادي.
الوصفة تكــفي: من 50 إلى 60 بسكوتة
وقت التحضير: 15 دقيقة
وقـت الخـــــبز: 15 دقيقة
Today's recipe is one my hearty recipes for this month, Cinnamon biscuits or cookies is one of Abla Nazeera's recipes, it's one of the simplest and easiest recipes, it tastes great and it also has a high nutritional value. Cinnamon biscuits consists of two biscuit layers the top one has a hole and they are filled with jam and topped with a sprinkle of confectioners' sugar. This recipe reminds me of my childhood when my mother used to make it for us specially in holidays, when we used to fill it with jam and top it with sugar and taste couple of them (maybe many), and we couldn't leave a chance for it to be kept a whole week, as the longest period was actually two days. :) I love the taste of strawberry jam with the cinnamon, this combination is just perfect, I hope you like it too, and you will find out how easy it is and that you don't have to be an expert baker to make this recipe.
Recipe tip:
1- DON'T let the cookies more than 15 minutes in the oven as they burn so quickly.
2- You can use any flavor substitute for the cinnamon (Cocoa powder, ginger powder, or any flavor you like).
3- You have to make the steps accurately as they are here to have the same perfect result specially entering air into the dough (sifting the flour and rubbing it with butter).
4- Abla Nazeera used Ghee in her recipe, I prefer butter and they have the same results.
5- You can use 3/4 cup granulated sugar instead of the powdered sugar in the dough.
Serves: 50 to 60 cookies.
Prep. time: 15 minutes.
Baking time: 15 minutes.
Scroll down for English recipe
2 كوب دقيق
125 جم زبدة (درجة حرارة الغرفة)
125 جم سكر بودرة (كوب أو أقل بقليل)
1 بيضة
1 ملعقة شاي قرفة
1/8 ملعقة شاي بيكنج باودر
للحشو والتزيين:
للحشو والتزيين:
1/4 كوب مربى فراولة (أو أي نوع حسب الرغبة)
1/4 كوب سكر بودرة
1- يسخن الفرن 150° إلى 160° درجة مئوية وينخل الدقيق والبيكنج باودر معاً، ثم يفرك الزبد والدقيق باليد في الهواء إلى أن يختلط تماماً.
2- يضاف السكر والقرفة ونخلطهم مع خليط الدقيق ونقوم بعمل حفرة في الوسط ونضع البيضة ونعجن حتى تتكون عجينة متجانسة ونتوقف عن العجن.
3- نأخذ نصف العجينة في المرة الواحدة ونفردها بالنشابة (الشوبك) بين طبقتين بلاستيك حتى لا تلتصق بأي شيء ولعدم إضافة دقيق لها، نفردها إلى أن تصبح رقيقة بهذا الشكل.
4- تقطع على شكل قلوب وتوزع على صينية الخبز المانعة للالتصاق أو على صنية فوقها ورقة زبدة، ثم نثقب نصف الكمية من المنتصف أو من أعلى اليمين.
5- ندخل الصينية الفرن لمدة 10 إلى 15 دقيقة (نعرف أنها نضجت بتحول لونها بعض الشيء إلى الذهبي الفاتح من الوجه)، ونخرجها من الفرن ثم يترك البسكوت حتى يبرد دون تغطيته ليصبح مقرمش.
For the biscuits:
For the biscuits:
2 cups flour
125 g butter (at room temperature)
125 g powdered sugar (a cup or few less)
1 egg
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/8 tsp baking powder
For filling and garnish:
For filling and garnish:
1/4 cup strawberry jam
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1- Preheat the oven 150-160°C, and sift the flour and baking powder together, then rub the butter with them with your finger tips till mixed well like this.
2- Add sugar and cinnamon and stir then make a hole in the middle and place the egg and start kneading just till mixed well.
3- Roll half the dough at a time with the rolling pin between two layers of cling film so it doesn't stick or need flour to roll on a counter.
4- Cut into heart shapes, and then place them on the baking sheet directly if it's non stick, or use a greased one or place parchment paper on it and make a hole in half of them in the middle or upper right.
5- Place the baking sheet into the oven for 10 to 15 minutes (to know it's done you will find the color on top becomes light golden). After it's done let it cool without covering so it becomes crispy.
7- Prepare to serve, sprinkle powdered sugar on the biscuits with hole and spread 1 tsp on the other biscuits then place the biscuits with hole on top of it, and.. Bon Apetit :)
These are absolutely adorable!! Love the juxtaposition of the tart and cinnamon!
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute and heart shape is so festive this month ^_^
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! Happy Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteThose are just the most adorable cookies I've seen yet for Valentines Day! Just love them! And I have everything needed to make these, which totally makes my day!
ReplyDeleteThese are lovely! Great job :)
ReplyDeleteThese cookies look so cute and perfect for Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteI love these, their too cute. I could see myself eating way to many of these for sure. Hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteThese are so beautiful and the cinnamon addition makes them spicy for the occasion. Thank you for step by step instructions :)
ReplyDeleteBelinda: Thanks, glad you like it :)
ReplyDeleteIndonesian In Turkey: Thanks, I made them specially for Valentine's Day celebrators at home :)
Susan: Thanks, Happy Valentine's Day :)
Kimberly: That's what I love about it, everything is usually available at home you don't have to use something fancy ;)
Nikki: Thanks dear :)
Kara: Thanks, glad you like them :)
Ang: Thanks, same to you :)
Mateja: You are welcome dear thanks for stopping by :)
These are so pretty! I love the windowpane with the filling!
ReplyDeleteI was looking for a Valentine cookie to make!! These are so cute!! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWilde in the Kitchen: Thanks, I'm glad you love it ^_^
ReplyDeleteSteph: You are welcome hope you like them :)
Awwww they look so lovely and sweet! I also like that they are with cinnamon - great choice for V-day!
ReplyDeleteSuch lovey dovey looking biscuits :D Perfect for Valentine's Day...thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteKate: Thanks dear, glad you like them :)
ReplyDeleteJeannie: You are welcome, thanks for stopping by :)
Lovely I think I'll make these will almond, lovely pictures :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Pauline, I'm glad you like them :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful cookie. I am so a sucker for anything heart shaped. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
ReplyDeleteI love cookies on which you can see the jam. Those are just lovely and very pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks Claudie :)
ReplyDeleteI loved looking at the rolled out dough because I could see the little dots of cinnamon in there so clearly. These look fantastic. Thanks for sharing the recipe and instructions with us.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome dear, your comment makes me happy, thanks :)
ReplyDeleteyour cookies are adorable. LOVE the heart shape and cinnamon and strawberry combo sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're having a wonderful week
ReplyDeletecookies look perfect and yummy!
ReplyDeleteGreen girl: Thanks dear, glad you like them :)
ReplyDeleteDimah: Thanks Dimah, happy to see your comment :)
These are so cuto! They look amazing, great photos! I think the idea of strawberry and cinnamon sounds like a pretty yummy combo :)
Thanks, yes it is :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun valentine treat, so cute and delicious looking. I love all things cinnamon so these will surely go into my '"to-bake" queue.
ReplyDeleteThose are so pretty--I love that they contain cinnamon to give them a little kick.
ReplyDeleteMmmm, anything with cinnamon has my immediate devotion. These look so delicate and pretty! Great V Day treat.
ReplyDeleteMaggie: Thanks I'm glad you like it :)
ReplyDeleteCucina49: Thanks, cinnamon also tastes great with strawberry jam.
Kiri: Thanks dear :)
These are just perfect for this time of year. The cookies sound wonderful, definitely something to try!
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing!!! I love the recipe and presentation :D
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely delicious - you are very talented :)
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Thanks, I'm glad you like it :)